What: Five men working for the Committee to Re-Elect the president broke into the Democratic Party's headquarters in the Watergate, a hotel- office building in Washington, D.C. They got caught going through files and trying to plant listening devices. Five days later, Nixon denied any knowledge of it or that his administration played any role in it.
Where: The Watergate Scandal happened in the Democratic National Committee headquarters (DNC). These headquarters are located in the Watergate, a hotel-office building in Washington, D.C.
When: The scandal happened on June 17, 1972. Shortly after 1a.m, five men were discovered carrying cameras and electronic eavesdropping equipment. If it had not been for the alert actions of Frank Wills, a security guard, the scandal may never have erupted.
Why: The Watergate Scandal happened because of a break-in in the Democratic National Committee Headquarters in 1972. Nixon sent burglars into the DNC office to gather information for Committee to Reelect the president. The US President attempted a cover up of the incident which ultimately backfired. As a result, Nixon resigned on August 9, 1974.
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